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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Accountability: Frank Pilleri, Ronald Delucia, Harvey Alberg, Arthur Deluca and their accomplices


If Frank Pilleri and his filthy cronies, Arthur Deluca, Harvey Alberg and Ronald Delucia think they are going to skate after what they did to our community, first and foremost failing to abide by the Agreement to facilitate access programming, they are mistaken.

Martha Coakley's feet are going to be held to the fire on this subject as:

1)Madame Attorney General lives near one of the accomplices

2)Madame Attorney General was apprised of the situation over the years by yours truly. You wonder why she came right over to me at the Dempsey's press conference - make no mistake, the AG's office has a massive file on the malfeasance at Medfraud Community Cablevision, Inc.

Martha wants to become Governor, she is going to have to bring filthy Frank Pilleri to justice.

We are making a LOT of maneuvers in the background concerning McGlynn's involvement and Martha Coakley's reticence to prosecute.

With the thugs dissolving the corporation they thought they could get away with hiding the financial records.  NOT SO!

The prediction: Stanley Komins is going to get less time when all is said and done next to the punishment that MUST be doled out to the perpetrators of one of the biggest frauds in Medford history - the public access television scandal and scam.