On Tuesday, October 8, a petition to speak to the City Council about changing the debate rules for the two upcoming Candidate Nights will be on the agenda.
Voters rights in the city of Medford are being fractured. Citizens
need to speak out and demand a fair and transparent process that doesn't
favor one politician over another.
In 2011, according to Patch, the now 13-term incumbent garnered only five thousand, seven hundred and twenty one votes
Data from the U.S. Census Bureau (dated September, 2013) puts Medford's population at 57,033 as of July 2012.
As of September, 2013, the Registrars of Voters office in Medford had 37,515 registered voters. 8,895 votes were cast for both D'Antonio and McGlynn in 2011. That means 28,620 people (or thereabouts) did not vote in the 2011 election. McGlynn cannot say he has a mandate, indeed, a new voice, D'Antonio, came within 2,547 votes of beating McGlynn.
If you think McGlynn is uncomfortable with hose numbers you would be
correct. In that PATCH article referenced above is this: "Turnout for the election was 26.1 percent, relatively average for a local election, City Clerk Ed Finn said.
26.1 percent in a city of over 57,000 - that's terrible. The "news" blog issued by the now off-the-air tv station claimed McGlynn won 64% of the vote. Wow, what a spin
Truth be told, McGlynn had a weak turnout, had all the cash in this
campaign, and took the political temperature only to find out there is a
wave of "McGlynn Fatigue" sweeping across Medford, lots of new voters
that aren't enamored by the McGlynn charm, and an Administration that
has had a few hits that McGlynn doesn't like to much talk about:
---a new regime at the Sheriff's department
---a new regime at the Medford Housing Authority
---no garage that McGlynn has been pushing for, ostensibly to satisfy a local business
---no movement on his Water Taxi
---the dark cloud of TV3 hanging over the Issuing Authority's head
---a police station falling apart
---empty storefronts
---roads and infrastructure crumbling
McGlynn report card doesn't look too good heading into the home
stretch. McGlynn has to keep legitimate reporters away from the
Candidate's Night panel. The incumbent Mayor does not want to answer
questions about River's Edge or the TV station. Did you see Stephanie
Muccini-Burke, the Budget Director, simply refuse to answer the question
last night. Simply stunning for a public official, paid by the public,
to not want to give the public answers to questions posed to her by her
colleagues she served on the City Council with. You don't have to read
between the lines there: if Ms. Burke is not going to tell her friends
on the council, do you really think you will get a straight answer from
City Hall on how your money is being used?
October 8, 2013, this writer has a petition on the agenda. Tune in to
Channel 22 Comcast to hear this vitally important speech which I have written for the benefit of the voters in Medford, Massachusetts.