Norman Bates in Hitchcock's classic "Psycho" and its many
sequels loved his cutting instruments. And with 26 going on 28 years of
slicing up ribbons and access tv funding in this community, Mayor
McGlynn likes his scissors as well! But while McGlynn is busy slicing and dicing innocent decorative binding and tying ribands he should, in fact, be removing the controlled rights and privileges appointed to the anointed, that is, the patronage that has swept through his Administration like crabgrass on a neglected summer lawn.
The rhinoceros in the room here, of course, is the lack of term limits and the desperate need for charter change in Medford, Massachusetts.
BULLET POINT #1 Lunenberg, a small town in Massachusetts, was
quick to do something about the blatant racism.
In Medford, rather than shut down the rest of the
football season, which is what Lunenberg did,
McGlynn let the alleged human rights violations at
TV3 fester for well over a decade, though McGlynn
was personally apprised of the problems as far
back as 2006 and earlier when Mark Rumley and
Human Rights Commissioner Diane McLeod met
with a future resident and heard horror stories
about conduct at 40 Canal Street, West Medford
BULLET POINT #2 The Medford Police need to be totally separated
from City Hall until term limits are established.
A 26 year incumbent can potentially exert too much control
over law enforcement
Pop Warner, embattled West Medford Hillside Little League, embattled
River's Edge eminent domain process, embattled TV3 all equals an
embattled Mayor. Just ask Willie Lantigua.
Bullet Point #3 Unfair Medford Candidates Night
Election 2013 was skewed. Yes, residents got to
see a chair of the Democratic City & Ward
committee go postal, his non-stop excuses of
having every disability under the sun not too
effective when Dr. Quack Quack has to resort to
using aliases after his Vesuvias moment at the
city council.
immediate solution, and it will not be easy with so much cronyism
infesting Medford like all the streets National Grid accidentally on purpose
forgot to pave after digging up miles and miles of Medford pavement, the
immediate solution is term limits and charter change.
Charter Change! It is a term that we will discuss and write about in the coming months. How other cities and towns govern themselves, the forms of government available, and solutions to the McGlynn problem.