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improving medford
Patch needs to consider instituting a policy, much like the MedfordMass yahoogroup where residents who want to post do so using a name, a legitimate telephone number and an address.
people going up to the City Council and just making up a name and an
address to engage in conduct like the aliases (known on the internet as
"trolls") are doing to disrupt Patch. It isn't fair, and that is how
they work, unfairly.
The non-profit Medford Community
Cablevision, Inc. bullied people. In - perhaps - the most shameless and
outrageous display yet, some woman living in Malden, who has lied
repeatedly at the city council and on Patch, continues the bullying,
though her private life is a mess. Perhaps she is so angry she needs to
besmirch people she is jealous of. Why should the good work of people
doing the heavy lifting have to be subjected to nonsense, invective and a
chilling fixation from that woman that is beyond the pale?
Huffington Post is going to start being more careful with who posts
what. Free speech is a wonderful thing to right wrongs in city
government. As Rush Limbaugh is scrutinized for the horrible comparison he just made to the filibuster (comparing it to the "R" word) - the outrage on Huffington Post will snowball.
being community media, has readers and bloggers that aren't as distant
from the battle as public figures being criticized on Huffington Post.
It's a different animal totally.
Patch readers get it. The
individuals who bullied politicians in violation of the Internal Revenue
Code, the husband of the Malden woman a prime example, continue to
bully. They made so many enemies in Medford those two in particular had
to flee to the city next door. Improving Medford starts with oversight
over Pop Warner, WMH Little League (and what came after that debacle),
public access TV and protecting residents from the bullies that it took us ten years to dethrone.
are angry. They are still lashing out. But without the TV station
they are reduced to aliases on Patch echoing the last bitter remnants of
a private little club of vindictive people who are - at long lost - removed from power.
goal is to improve Medford. Charter change, term limits, a new access
station. That is the goal. Popcorn from the peanut gallery like the
absurd post some fictitious name published is actually an endorsement.
If we're getting flak, we must be over the target.