Bad Old Frankie pulled a fast one on the city solicitor when he kicked the election of 2008 out the door! People are wondering if Frankie has no intention of "dissolving" the only thing he has in life: the broken and unusable TV3.
Fine! If Frankie fails to dissolve the station, the liability is still out there like a dark cloud over, not only Francis R. Pilleri, Jr., but Harvey Alberg and Ron DeLucia and Art Deluca and Cornelius Murphy and potentially Steve "Get Your Mail at Medford Housing" Marra (Marra was using a relative's mailbox, allegedly, until he was reported to the United States Postal Service and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Ya think he still gets his mail in the housing authority in West Medford? That'll look real good in court if the board members all get dragged in! That'll be VERY special, won't it?) Deric Dyer, Daniel Ryan Mailhiot, the webmaster and his goofy pal with the gap tooth, Jay Ricci...yep, bad old Frankie might be hanging them all out to's like the Titanic and they are busy, busy, busy with Aunty Doria rearranging the deck chairs on that ship as it sinks
"All good things to those who wait" Hannibal Lecter. All the
anxiety from you people sure doesn't look kosher. And if you think you
are going to bait people "Mr. Noname" so that you get a nugget or two
that D, H and AAD can spin, think again. You know the revelations will
only be made on a Tuesday (or Wednesday next week) night at 7 PM. Tune
in then. Ya think posting the information on Patch or anywhere else
before the time is right (or as they say in Vaudeville, "before the
large lady sings")? Have another think if you think that! Stay tuned to
your city council meetings for more info. Just got off the phone with a
city official before writing this. The City Council voted 7-0 last week
after I filed a petition. Last time that happened it put into motion the
alleged "dissolution" of the station. We'll give you a theory, though:
a)TV3 has no intention of really dissolving - which means they would
potentially be liable for not operating access according to the
contract. It works both ways. Note how Art Deluca says they are still
meeting as a board. b)Where are the minutes to the September 30, 2013
meeting where they voted to dissolve? Please answer those questions -
where is the "dissolution" at this very moment and where are the meeting
minutes to September 30, 2013? "In the past" is the wrong answer.
Have fun in your Friday meeting, Rick, I've been busy gathering
information too on an unrelated matter. As they say, it works both