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Monday, June 29, 2015

Transcript Revisionist History under Nell Coakley


Critical statement at Council not published in Transcript per orders of her highness Nell EscMcGlynn Coakley!  HA HA...she does it again!!!

Medford City Council puts $155M city budget on hold

But three councilors wanting to delay a vote — Council Vice President Breanna Lungo-Koehn and Councilors Michael Marks and Robert M. Penta — each outlined unanswered questions that came up during council budget hearings.

Councilors pointed out they wanted answers to how the city intends to pay for a projected $1.2 million water and sewer deficit, the status of new locker rooms for female officers at the Medford Police Department and reports of facility issues at recently renovated fire stations.

As the councilors spoke, a handful of residents formed a line in front of the podium and waited, eventually voicing a collective call to put the brakes on a budget vote.

“What is the rush?” resident and City Council candidate Mark Crowley said. “Why are we trying to rush it through? 

What are we trying to hide?”

Another council candidate, Michael Ruggiero, said councilors were right to oppose a vote on the budget given unanswered questions from city administrators.


CLICK HERE:  as of june 29, 2015