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Sunday, September 6, 2015

57 days to election; Channel 3 Hijacked by Mayor

453,550 @ 10:06 am
453,416 1:27 am

McGlynn is cheating you out of access TV for Election 2015 to help that coward Mrs. Burke.

It's a scam of the highest magnitude 

Political speech is "the most protected right" and McGlynn had wolves in the hen house, feasting on cable TV subscriber monies.

They ripped you off, Medford, and now you can't see the candidates for school committee, city council and mayor speak.
The Mayor will throw a small bone,
he will attempt to use the government and high school channels in a limited way to act as if he is doing something.  Louise Miller told me the Mayor had an "idea."  Yeah, an idea that cheats the residents and makes a liar out of Mark E. Rumley who swore to the residents that the city doesn't limit free speech.

Not only DOES Medford limit free speech, Rumley is the tool the Mayor uses, and the sanctified Rumley with the lips of a demon, lies to your face. 

He's the "mayor's solicitor" on your dime, not the city solicitor. Rumley should be impeached, and so should his lord and master, McGlynn.

Happy Sunday.