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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Caraviello Didn't want to Exclude Corrupt TV station from new station

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At 2:22 pm a City of Medford truck pulled away from being parked in front of my residence.

Rick Caraviello did not like me posting this sign.

How telling!

Caraviello reportedly gave $250.00 to Burke
and $100.00 to Penta

Caraviello was the ONLY disruptive person at the VFW on Election Night, Nov. 3

Just like Brian Burke, Court clerk husband of Muccini-Burke was the ONLY disruptive person
on October 15, 2015 at the Chevalier.


Do you see a pattern, people?

Caraviello said the TV3 reprobates who have
been thus far dishonest about the accounting and meeting minutes should be welcomed at the new station.

A picture's worth one thousand words 

 Caraviello yelled in Alden Chambers
"Don't take my picture!"

Who does he think he is? Allergic-to-photos McGlynn being caught red-handed in a public place with that scoundrel Ronald DeLucia, the reprobate from TV3 Medford who is dishonest about court cases, dishonest about where the money is, dishonest about how TV3 board and staff reportedly/allegedly not welcome at

40 Canal Street
5 High Street
32 Riverside Ave

and one or more of them not welcome at
75 Station Landing

Caraviello never asked DeLucia where the

Instead, TV3's friend Rick Caraviello is yelling "Don't take my picture" while standing with an individual who has not been honest with the cable TV subscribers funding TV3

Ronald Delucia and Rick Caraviello

Two peas in a pod.

They should get married...if they aren't already

That's who is on your City Council, people, and he ran out on all of you to drive his limousine while the council was in session; a critical vote on Pay to Park and Caraviello couldn't give a damn.

But he was there to vote for his own pay raise.
Rick Caraviello couldn't be driving a limo when his own PAY RAISE was to be voted on.

He's only driving the limousine when citizens get screwed with parking meters and 65 percent of the monies going south on the Chatanooga Choo Choo to Chatanooga Tennessee

Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00

Just fork it over to Republic Parking courtesy of
fat cat Rick Caraviello, feasting on your dollars 

Rick told me that he should have run for
Mayor.  Delusional Rick thinks he could have

From his seat on the fence committing to Penta and supporting Burke, two-faced Caraviello now is whining about being Council President.

Duh.  John Falco is getting that, Ricky Boy.

The Mayor wants Falco to get ready to take the seat in the corner office.  He wants to dump Stephanie after one term, put Falco in, then dump Falco and try to get his daughter Kathleen in.

 It's the McGlynn way.

The Soprano family business of Medford.

That they think is Medford.



This magazine does NOT believe that Caraviello had true votes.   We are talking to lawyers about the irreparable harm Election 2015 is costing this city - has already cost this city, and demanding an injunction to stop further bleeding.

Rick Caraviello doesn't care about you.
Rick cares about himself.

This magazine cares about YOU. And Caraviello hates me for it.