"“I also think that everyone in the city needs to be respectful towards one another,” she adds. “There’s no room for bullying, at any age. It’s not productive." Muccini-Burke
58 year old witch who besmirched a man she isn't fit to shine the shoes of!
This from the jackass Director of Personnel who couldn't tell the voters why a Junior Varsity Coach and Teacher is no longer at Medford High School as of June 30, 2015.
Gee, so much for the public's right to know.
Without McGlynn and the sleazy unions, bullying women and handing Muccini-Burke Five Hundred Smackeroos...one would think she would be a bit more humble.
Look at Rick CaraviMarshmallow in the picture, is he ever the biggest loser in election 2015, and we're not talking about his obesity.
But clearing out her
campaign office on High Street was nothing compared with what the next
few weeks will bring. Yet Burke is ready.
want to be the champion of this city, to let other people know what we
do here,” she says. “Nov. 3 was a symbolic day for a new way of
approaching things. We are a strong community and for me, it’s going to
be really important to engage everyone as one community. There’s going
to be room at the table for anyone and everyone, for a lot of different
people, if they want to be involved and productive.”
Here's what THEY DO