513,544 @ 2:41 pm
513,499 @ 2:34 pm
513,400 @ 2.15 pm
26 minutes, 144 page views
the way, I phoned Chief Sacco's Administrative Assistant and will be
asking that they put the Conegate story on the record for citizens.
Thank you. I await her return call. Notice how none in the
Muccini-Burke camp have any evidence from the Teamsters or Muccini-Burke
about the activities last night, they just want to attack the
messenger. My blog is at 513, 544 @ 2:41 pm, about 3 hits per minute.
Now either you think everyone in Medford is crazy or the serious stuff I
am writing about has traction. Guess what? Since you are writing about
me, I've got your attention. If Conegate didn't happen, you would have
just ignored it. Thank you for bringing CONEGATE to the attention of a
wider audience, Linda Julien, I do so appreciate it.