509,310@9:26 am
Posted 2:54 am
Scott W. Johnson pulls out the hatchet. This film is beautifully made,
great camerawork, and goes to the heart of the matter. Dan Rather was
"swift boated" by the powerful individuals who stole the presidency.
Like the Oracle in the Matrix kept repeating "Make up your own damn
mind." The onus was on George W. Bush to prove that he, indeed, didn't
go AWOL. It's easy to attack the messenger, the more difficult thing to
do is to be honest with the citizens. Major corporations stopped being
news gatherers and started being followers when the bottom line
benefited. This film gets people thinking, and my opinion is that any
film that does that has achieved at least one of the key goals of good
movie making. The acting is terrific and the clear message that special
interests would rather shoot the messenger than be honest with the
public goes back to Roman times and way before that. Bush's puppet
masters masterfully unleashed their malicious attacks to distract from
the message: what exactly did George W. Bush do to serve his country.
One thing is for sure: Al Gore would have kept our surplus, Bush spent
it on wrecking the Middle East. Would you rather John Kerry as
Secretary of State or George W. Bush? That's a rhetorical question. The
eight years Bush stole from us will take decades to recover from. Truth
works on many levels, and it sure got Scott W. Johnson's attention. But
as the swift boaters who unleashed their fury on Dan Rather never gave
us the truth about Bush's record, Johnson doesn't give an accurate
review of this cinematic achievement.