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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Best Quotes at the Medford City KKKouncil Dec 8

553,193 @ 11:56 am

"Where's Adam Knight?"

"His wife is pregnant, she might be delivering the baby."

"NO, I saw Paul Camuso tonight and he was still with child."

Someone from the audience thought they would be funny and put the velvet rope at Alden Chambers between their legs and started swinging it.   "Hey Freddy, here Freddy"

The velvet rope was to be a phallic symbol, you see, tempting the council president.

The editor commented "That wouldn't attract Freddy. He likes his boys cold, stiff, with rigor mortis setting in." 

(Latin: rigor "stiffness", mortis "of death") is one of the recognizable signs of death, caused by chemical changes in the muscles after death, causing the limbs of the corpse to stiffen.