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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Fred Dello Russo, Jr. RETALIATES for exposing his uncle and grandpa being jailbirds

364 @ 12:19 am

Fred Dello Russo, Jr. violated the 1st Amendment with his accomplices, Richard Caraviello, Adam Knight and Paul A. Camuso at the City Council

It was abuse of the city council by the drunk-with-power socially inept Dello Russo.

Was it retaliation because the business that Dello Russo makes millions on  and gives him a name he could not earn on his own had a shady history?

BOSTON JUNE 22, 1961
  So Arthur Dello Russo, 47, starts his sentence today and Frederick, 54, will follow in four months.  Both are residents of suburban Medford. Arthur is a former mayor.,5010716&hl=en