627,240 6:40 pm
627,198 @ 6:17 PM
42 in 23 minutes
I support taking 5 out and no restrictions
Dello Russo: You want that on the paper, councilor
Falco: Yes .
Dello Russo: No limit to the number of subjects in the process
Falco: My question to the Solicitor, can it actually be 9 members vs 7
Rumley: Yes, it can go up to 9 according to MGL 43B
Falco: I would like to see a nine person committee, this is a big topic, it hasn't been researched, I'd like more people involved in that committee, so many issues. 9 person panel would be appropriate
Dello Russo: be it nine members
Chair Recognizes Rumley on 7-9 person commission
Dello Ruisso 6:44 pm that we are crossing are ts and dotting our i's
Rumley: people at the Housing Authority it was a pleasant experience...
but I would ask you ...having someone involved as a consultant at this juncture, or after the election
6:45 pm Dello Russo...at the beginning, ...the people you are electing understand what really needs to be looked at. It would be nice if they were fully engulfed in this and have a grasp of it, but you know it's going to be people not knowing the process
Rumley speaking quicly, go to the DVD to get a refined version
Rumley: I would be worried about anyone deeply involved in charter...I don't mean to make it sound simple, there are nuances ... it's more mechanical
6:46 If it's going to be done well, you want the proper level of professionalism
Dello Russo: Last week people thought my position was...
Rumley: Once a commission is elected
Dello Russo: We make sure that we have ...charter review that...
(Dello Russo speaking too softly, not a very good council president; )
THIS IS NOT A FULL TRANSCRIPT, just trying to help citizens get a grasp of this.