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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Goals as Councilors, 2/9/16 Couniclors' Agendas

Freddy speaks at 8:35 pm

7 citizens spoke, according to Freddy Reprobate

Cradock Bridge Construction, its impact on life in general in the neighborhood; business, safety, traffic, congestiation, transportation in general.

Reps from Mass. Dept of Transportation, the construction company project manager was there, Lorenzo, Chief Sacco, etc

Mumbling stooge Dello Russo speaks at the end of the council meeting, 8:36 pm   Clerk Finn mumbling into the microphone now.  

For the hundreds of thousands of dollars these clowns get paid, can they ARTICULATE and make clear what the hell is going on?

Or do they like bending over the microphone half asleep and being derelict in their duties?