640,134 @ 2:59 am
Voters are smart; they didn't vote for Dello Russo in the primary.
One elected official said after the primary
"Fred Dello Russo looks like he lost his best friend."
He did very little campaigning, riding on the family name and how many grieving people he can take advantage of ...
But do you vote for someone simply because you do business with them during the year, or do you vote for someone because they have the passion for politics?
Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr. is a fraud, and how he magically got votes when he was so down in the dumps after the primary is simple math.
Election 2015 was stolen, and the unqualified hack who is unfit to be a councilor, let alone council president, is just one of the termites eating away at life in Medford.
City Hall is terrified because this investigation is ongoing. We've hit gold - and if that were not the case they wouldn't be throwing everything in creation at this editor.
The election was stolen, Stephanie Burke and her husband are sloppy (who yells "xxxxfxxker" at the Chevalier Theater in front of seniors and women? Brian S. Burke does!)
You really proud of that pea are eye see Kay as the First Lady of Medford? It's disgusting.
Middlesex Superior Court is forcing itself on life in Medford, with a foul-mouthed weirdo clinging to his wife's apron strings.
Brian Burke engaging in self-emasculation.
Usually it's the strong-willed woman who belittles the husband, but Mr. Burke just rolled over - probably picks up a six pack - and drowns his sorrows of letting his wife wear the pants in the family. How humiliating.
How twisted.
If you happen to be in court up at Middlesex District, and you see the name Brian S. Burke on the document, look - I'm not a lawyer - but a word to the wise: ask your lawyer if you should get a change of venue.
That idiot is a clear and present danger to life in Medford. And his wife didn't have the vote, she didn't have the momentum, she had the unions from outside of Medford clattering and chattering, despite her inability to articulate any plan that made sense.
As I told the City Solicitor and the ex-Mayor,
"I know you are stealing the election. I know it with ever fiber of my being." And that was before they did the ultra dirty deed and scammed the residents of Medford.
Now all hell is breaking loose with the crazies running the asylum. It's sick. It is ugly, and the voters are too afraid to demand Muccini-Burke resign in disgrace.
She's going to make lots more mistakes.
It is in her nature.
1/4 of the year without a Chief of Staff, and Christine Barber wants you voters to let Muccini-Burke "get her feet wet?"
If it walks like a duck...and looks like a duck...it's a duck!