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Friday, October 6, 2017

Ben Brown and Mark Rumley's Failure to do Outreach and Facilitate Programming

1,066,970 @ 6:03 pm
1,066,957 @ 5:30 pm

Questions and Answers follow the initial essay!    
Scroll down to read them!

Ben Brown's "production" of City Council meeting filled with audio dropouts and black screen.  Was it intentional or is he just plain unqualified for the $67,500.00 a year job?

Ben Brown is professional at finding feedback to annoy the viewers and the speakers, but didn't know what the hell to do to stop the microphone from screeching.

There's young Ben Brown sitting on his flabby backside (sheesh!  At 63 I'm in better shape than that young punk!)  waiting for people to show up and join a bad situation - a public access TV station that does everything in its power to keep people out.

Think about this very carefully - Krissy Fraser was using and abusing "our" new TV station located - inappropriately - at the high school instead of a more centrally placed building, using it for the students (Educational access) when the monies came from the Public access part of P/E/G.

They are NOT using the Educational monies appropriately; they hijacked the PUBLIC monies and Krissy REFUSED, absolutely REFUSED to contact any members of the public to participate in a film screening for students and parents.

Educational monies are dumped into a General Fund and PUBLIC ACCESS monies stolen to benefit the children and their parents, not the general public.

THEN, after Mayor McGlynn REFUSED to give $400.00 for a new DVD player but - instead, used the GOVERNMENTAL MONIES for 3 salaries* (*allegedly - we are pretty sure it is the monies designated for Governmental - the G of P/E/G - that pay off Jack Dempsey, Lisa Dunphy and Allison Goldsberry) with purportedly a VHS machine at the firehouse playing a city council meeting repeatedly (McGlynn's middle finger to the city council) Muccini-Burke as Finance Director at city hall under McGlynn probably got a grant or something to finally, after weeks and weeks and weeks, procuring a DVD player and the hookup necessary to cablecast COUNCIL MEETINGS.

Meanwhile that fictional character Frankie Fingers* and the boys with dirty mouths were laughing allegedly all the way to the bank with the public monies going south. 

*Frankie Fingers does not reference a person but the entire whacked out board of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.

So while Reading and Malden are publishing FINANCIAL STATEMENTS you have creeps like bankrupt Harvey Alberg and Shark Insurance (or is it Ark Insurance, Stoneham) Ron Delucia spitting at the public and LYING about where the finances are.  They fraudulently called themselves "Money Managers" - Ron DeLucia blaming "sloppy bookkeeping" at the city council and Harvey Alberg and his vicious wife, Doria Pizzotti Alberg going bankrupt.  So much for "money managers" - the infomercial where Ron Delucia and Harvey Alberg did "calls for action" and tried to palm off their bizarre "services" to unsuspecting Medford residents.

The fraudulent "board of directors" created when Frank Pilleri filed the names of his own son, Tim Pilleri (allegedly living in Los Angeles,) Brian Mahoney (he had moved to Somerville,) Susan Crowley (works for Paul Donato) and Paul Gerety as actual board members when they weren't.

Frankie's fiction - signed under the pains and penalties of perjury - allowed Mr. Pilleri to unethically appoint himself president for life.

Judge Timothy Gailey

4. President of non profit
Judge Timothy Gailey ruled "The assertion of perjury was not proved to be false."


The Honorable Judge Timothy Gailey

(when the president of MCC, who filed the false names on the document under the pains of perjury - and was found by a judge when he had his day in court not able to prove the assertion of perjury to be false  lost the case for "Emotional Distress" he filed against a homosexual man the faux "president" is obsessed and in love with.   El Presidente' claimed the man, a neighbor, broke up his marriage.  Just because some delusional old man fell in love with a guy and it destroyed his marriage doesn't mean he can sue the object of his affection when the homo victim is REPULSED by the foot-stompin' violent public nuisance! who took over the 501c3 by filing the names of previous board members as if they were present and voting.  By the way, this writer contacted Brian Mahoney when he was a Federal employee and gave him the document which shocked Mahoney.  Mark E. Rumley was given the document and failed to credit the real author with doing the investigation, as Rumley had promised when he followed up my original report, authorized by Mike McGlynn, with their "Rumley Report."  Mike McGlynn's strategy was to white out my name from any of the investigation when I was the one who initiated it, my meeting with McGlynn and the late Richard Lee published in the Boston Globe.)

Boston Globe

Activist: you have a voice on TV3

Posted by Travis Andersen  July 13, 2009 09:45 AM
The following is an editorial by Joe Viglione, a freelance writer and citizen activist.
Access Channel 3: Know Your Community Resources
On June 10th this publication re-published my article on public access outreach. As a follow-up this essay will focus on what P/E/G Access is, and how the community co-owns the equipment that it purchases for the use of the access TV volunteers.

Many people in Medford are not aware of the term "Peg" Access - and their rights to these services that are funded by a fee attached to the bills of cable subscribers.
Here's a quick overview:
P/E/G Access - Three access TV channels
There are 3 parts to P/E/G - Public, Educational and Governmental Access. Channel 15 in Medford is Educational Programming that is run out of the high school. Channel 16 in Medford is the Government Access Programming which features a bulletin board as well as meetings at City Hall, usually the City Council or School Committee meetings.
Channel 3 is designated for "Public Access" It is the job of the public access TV station in our community to reach out to the public and allow for a wide range of ideas. According to the
Secretary of the Commonwealth, Corporations Division page on the internet a non-profit named Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. filed its Articles of Organization on October 13, 1983 to, ostensibly, coordinate, offer and teach public access TV in this city.
Many cities and towns keep what they call their "cable book", usually a 3-ring binder, at City Hall in the Clerk's office, or at the Law office and sometimes even at the public library. In that book is usually found the contract between the city and the cable provider(s) (Medford having only
one at this time, Comcast), and the agreement between the City and the non-profit access station - Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. a.k.a. TV3 in our city.
City Solicitor Mark Rumley's excellent February 10, 2008 "Report on present state of Public Access Television in the City of Medford" (a.k.a. "The Rumley Report") has a copy of that contract and additional data on the public access facility that operates at 5 High Street under Congressman Ed Markey's office.
The contract the Mayor of the city of Medford signed with Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. establishes the co-ownership of the equipment. It is found on page 4, Section 4 of the Definitions section - there is a paragraph on ownership and control of the equipment.
Here is that information:
All equipment and appurtenances in the Access Facilities shall be the joint legal property of the City and MCC. MCC shall provide a copy of all equipment invoices to the Issuing Authority, pursuant to Section 9(B) herein.

The "Issuing Authority" is the Mayor, Michael McGlynn. So even though the access TV station is under the exclusive control of MCC, the station shares ownership of the tangible assets - the equipment. Since the ownership of the most valuable tangible material assets (excluding, of
course, the intellect of the volunteers) belongs to the community, the non-profit has some serious obligations to "we the people", the true co-owners of the tv equipment.
Now is the time for the public to be made aware of its belongings, its holdings, in regards to Access TV. We'd like to know exactly how much money the city gets - and spends - on Government and Educational Access television - and this discussion, hopefully, will open the door to more transparency from City Hall in regards to all three channels.
On January 7, 2009 the Honorable Judge LaMothe called me "logical" in regards to issues regarding Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.
The logical mind says that the public has a right to know what equipment we co-own with the TV station, and also has a right to a Cable Advisory Committee that can field complaints and grievances in regards to issues involving P/E/G access in the city of Medford. As stated above, this isn't just about the public access channel, we'd like to know what equipment exists for the Governmental and Educational Channels and see those contracts the city has.
Malden and Wilmington access stations both issue annual reports. These are hard copy reports printed and made available to anyone in the community. Medford residents deserve a similar hard document for citizens to pick up at City Hall, at TV 3, at the Medford Public
Congressman Ed Markey's State Rep Paul Donato's office.
Medford needs a vibrant access community like those enjoyed by the towns of Burlington, Stoneham, Wakefield...the cities of Malden, Somerville, Cambridge, Boston and beyond. Our access station doesn't have membership numbers - or a plethora of programming - that our sister stations boast.
And the key point here is this: since the city co-owns the equipment the city has an obligation to let the residents know they have full and fair access to that equipment, as well as an oversight committee that will ensure access to the cable Channel 3.
The residents, being aware of their rights, will have a positive impact on access TV volunteer membership.
Most communities build a resource which fosters imaginative programming...a TV station in your community should be a mecca for creative ideas, no matter how far-fetched, with no intrusion and certainly no name-calling or scorn which could halt the creative process and stifle
free speech.
If you go to the Massachusetts State Corporation site you will find the "primary purpose" as written by the board of directors of TV 3.
"What is this organization's primary purpose, as written by TV 3 itself on the Corporate documents:
Community Public Access Cable
Training individuals in public access television techniques and the cablecasting of various community events over the public access channels of a cable television system."
This training should be free and open to everyone. There should be a spirit of harmony where volunteers have great latitude to create and air their programs with support from the station and very few restrictions.
Think of public access TV like a public swimming pool. Your city co-owns the pool, the facility, the water. All members of the community are supposed to be welcome.

Then, former board member Mark E. Rumley, decided to investigate the very board that he sat on and stick on a shelf his findings so that the public would be cheated out of more of the P/E/G monies.  Shame on Mark E. Rumley, such a dastardly fiend who is the cover-up man, not a solicitor protecting public monies. 
Even Mark Rumley's incessant lies have become stale --- "We don't censor"  - yeah, and maybe you believe Della Street from the Perry Mason show when the late Barbara Hale screamed from the rooftops about hardcore homosexual Raymond Burr "HE'S NOT GAY!"

Hale has more credibility because she was a great actress while Rumley only has his position in life through nepotism - his long-time friendship with scoundrel Mike McGlynn.

Why is it that Rumley doesn't have a better job at a more prestigious place than embattled Medford City Hall?

Because Mr. Rumley is an adequate, not great, but simply adequate lawyer that fixates on people like me. He's a man in an important position who wants to crush me.  Rumley has threatened to sue me - and that's allegedly what you are paying for, Medford.

Oh he can say he drew up the papers at home...ho hum...but if he's sitting in the law office stewing over my investigations of him all day long...then you know what?

I must be on to something.


1)Why would a school superintendent and city lawyer show up to hear a citizen speak on the Attorney General's determination that the Chapter 74 board violated the law?

Answer:  Because it's a HUGE DEAL.  Those two jokers wouldn't waste their time denouncing a FACT unless it was supremely damaging to them.

Q: Why is it damaging:

A: My theory is this, based on information and belief:

---the Chapter 74 board was a ruse. These monies that would have went to the soon-to-be-defunct TV3 belong to PUBLIC ACCESS. They wrongfully, maliciously and INTENTIONALLY are using the TV3 monies for ALL of P/E/G - Governmental, Educational and Public Access.

Rumley's CENSORSHIP POLICY with the CORI CHECK idea is exposed when none of the candidates in a primary were able to use the PUBLIC ACCESS aspect of it, Rumley and Muccini-Burke whoring out young Ben Brown as some kind of nutjob who didn't know how to put a website together in a timely fashion.   

Ben Brown is prostituted to KEEP ACCESS producers OUT OF ACCESS.  Ben Brown is a shill, a novice in over his head in a city that loathes free speech, public access and the First Amendment. 

separated at birth photos

Just put some lipstick on Ben Brown, a purse, whore-red high heels, some fake pearls and have him stand on Governors Ave and High Street like some lady of the night cheap streetwalker that Rumley, Belson and Burke are using him for.
Q: Does Ben Brown even know where High Street and Governor's Ave meet?

A: Exactly the point, isn't it?
Q: What is Roy E. Belson even TALKING about when he says the violation of the open meeting law was a mistake?

A: It was no mistake, it was as intentional and deliberate as Mayor Michael J. McGlynn distracting people of Medford with his phony tribunal of Reverend George "Thin Skinned" Chip Hines, Fred "Out of his depth outside of the MWRA" Laskey and Allison "Hey, I get 70k of the P/E/G monies, What? Me Worry?" Goldsberry, no conflict there outside of the fact that none of them have P/E/G access qualifications, except that they delude themselves that they do.

Case in point, my friend Allison stated at the tribunal meeting that we really don't need stages for students to learn on at P/E/G.  Really, Allison, so other cities and towns get the edge if a student wants to be a weather person?

Meanwhile behind Allison's back McGlynn is building a station at the high school while Allison is telling the public that you can use your iPhone and a computer blah blah blah (just don't take my access monies away from my paycheck)... hey, I like the young lady, but let's face it, she is getting paid with YOUR P/E/G monies and you have no public access station.

Allison said you didn't need a station when, of course, you pay for one.  Who is SHE to tell YOU what you should be paying for. Her salary over a real studio for the public.

HUGE conflict there, but that's why the highly deceptive Mike McGlynn put her on the tribunal and not Joe Fortunato or Chris Donovan or Gravity Corporation  (they are now at 311 Winthrop St., not High St)


Q: What are your credentials to be composing this feature?

A:Taped to be on VH-1, the BBC, over 5,000 reviews in nine years for a prestigious media company, Director of Research for a national TV company that made PBS specials on actor Paul Sorvino and mezzo soprano Marilyn Horne, started in public access in Somerville in 1979, have a movie on a R&R Hall of Fame artist in worldwide distribution, have more films in the works
Q: But Ben Brown worked two months in lighting for a Jimmy Buffet tribute band - can you top that?

A: I don't know, I only represented the major producer for a band called The Rolling Stones for the better part of a decade, met Alfred Hitchock (photos and an autograph in my magazine) when I was 18, published my own magazine at the age of 15, had a Q & A with the Maysles Brothers who taped The Beatles with Ed Sullivan and The Rolling Stones movie Gimme Shelter, that was at 16 or 17 years of age, have worked with and produced Grammy winning artists and Grammy nominees...

Q: OK, OK, a little bit more knowledge and experience than two months with a Jimmy Buffet tribute band

A:)By that standard, since performing in clubs starting in 1973, and lecturing on panels I put together for the N.E.I.A., where Ben Brown graduated from, yeah, I think we can honestly say that Ben Brown should be respecting his elders instead of bullying Medford residents for $67,500.00 from the monies that three Medford residents saved this city from the clutches of the abominable Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.
Q: Why would a young boy like Ben Brown whore himself out to Stephanie Muccini-Burke like that?

A:Because he's star struck.  A clueless mayor is assuring him that everything is OK, throwing OUR money at him, when the last four managers of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. don't seem to be ANYWHERE on the radar of public access, do they?

When people have no talent and whore themselves out to the censorship monsters like Mark Rumley, the despicable Roy E. Belson, Stephanie Muccini-Burke, they often end up like Dawn Natalia - a loser in Superior Court and a loser when Westborough TV dumped Dawn-of-the-Dead after four months in Westborough.

Having TV3 or the new P/E/G center on your resume is like having references from Muccini/Lambert and Locke - see the film THE FIRM if you didn't get the joke the first time

The Firm (novel) - Wikipedia

The Firm is a 1991 legal thriller by American writer John Grisham. His second book, it was his ... Mitch spurns offers from law firms in New York and Chicago in favor of signing with Bendini, Lambert and Locke

Q: So you are saying Ben Brown is throwing his reputation down the sewer?

A: What reputation?
He takes a name directly linked to this blog, Community Media Medford, and switches the words around - Medford Community Media, pure plagiarism.  He wants to have a 2 hour "Open House" when people are at church on Sunday, October 15, 2017 from 10 am - noon, not a proper Open House for 7 full days 9 am to 10 pm, and he has horrifying glitches in the City Council meeting of October 3, 2017, audio dropouts, fade to black, the kid is a rank amateur screwing with our First Amendment rights.

And he certainly did ZERO outreach and facilitation of programming prior to the September 12, 2017 primary, a Media Blackout strategy of Stephanie Muccini-Rumley and Mark E. Burke, no doubt.

too two to be continued...

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