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Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Edward P. Finn is such a coward that he ran away from a subpoena. In retrospect, I should have filed immediately against Finn for disobeying the law and failing to show up in a criminal case where Finn was the assailant. YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS are denied in Medford. Since the police filed the case, Finn had to have slugged me or there would be no case. No felonious assault, no witness, right? Your POLICE DEPT under Leo A. Sacco, jr., the fraud police chief, said this: "Medford police investigated the incident, interviewed Caraviello, and determined the case to be closed with no action to be taken." Yet when they filed the case they made it clear that they knew Finn had physically assaulted a minority senior citizen. The very same week of the trial Joe Sacco, MBTA cop, was NOT arrested for drunk driving and had a "family member" (gee whiz, who could that be, daddy?) drive him home ---allegedly drunk out of his mind, allegedly fighting with a "family member" (his wife, allegedly) ---gee, was there an Ed Finn special at the Sacco Jr. Jr. home...strike that, your Honor, question withdrawn...just shows the double standards at Chief Sacco's house and at the police station - make up phony law that doesn't exist to cost a minority person thousands of dollars in court fees, let your son skate from responsibility --- Joe Sacco should have been arrested at the very least, as YOU, dear reader, would have been, and arraigned on the allegation of drunk driving. NO PUBLIC SAFETY under police chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr., who lets an alleged drunk driver walk the same week that Sacco allows an innocent man to go to court because Rick Caraviello lied to the police and the office of the district attorney. That's what the council president is all about. A fraud. Just put "Joe Sacco Arrest" in a Google search and see what happened the same week that Rick Caraviello lost in Criminal Court! Sacco's son took a walk. SICK, how sick is THAT? 5 Investigates: alleged drunk driving incident involving T cop sparks investigations
Officer is not arrested or charged