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Sunday, September 2, 2018


1,245,193 @ 1:30 AM Sept 2 

Running for Office in Medford? The current administration does not want new candidates near access television. Why do you think we've had the same bad representatives in power for so many years? Try getting a fair space in the local paper when city hall's "legal notices" and other revenue streams to local news outlets control the content: local media is having a tough time staying afloat, the Village Voice just ceased publication in, of all places, New York City - that's how hard it is even for established media to stay afloat.

The new station manager is clearly reading from a city hall script - remember how twice the talking point was "moving forward" - now they've morphed that into "forward thinking."

Look at this nonsense in the Medford Transcript, spoon-fed by Muccini-Burke's staff: "Given that MCM is only a year old (WRONG - it was up and running MORE than a year ago, Mayor Burke intentionally kept it for just the high school (paid for with public access monies,) to intentionally keep Cheryl Rodriguez, Ray Scarfo, Alex Rodriguez, Bob Cappucci and other candidates from getting ANY traction) Gordon has a big job ahead of him – but that’s part of why he signed up for it. So far, he has been busy meeting city officials, talking to the producers of public access shows and getting acclimated to the equipment at the studio. (What "producers" of public access shows? Two members of TV3 Medford - he certainly didn't reach out to Joe F or Chris D or Joe V, did he? It's an insider's club and TV3 Medford is still a big part of scaring away politicians and residents from using access TV.)

“There’s been a gap between the last station manager and myself, so there’s been a lot of trying to figure out what was done before [and] why it was done that way,” Gordon said. “It’s going to take some time.”

Nonetheless, Gordon hopes that community members will recognize his forward-thinking vision for MCM and look past the previous controversies and conflicts associated with the former public access station, TV3". The real vision comes from the community - not the next station manager up after SIX bad hires in the past twenty years. City Hall had its chance and blew it. The new manager is nicer than all six of his predecessors, but at the end of the day his alleged 64k paycheck IS the Sixty Four Thousand Dollar Question: YOU PAY FOR ACCESS TV THAT YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO PROPERLY USE!