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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Trying to have a Conversation with Dan MacGilvray Is Like Talking to a Brick Wall

1,267,662 @ 8:43 am

Dan MacGilvray on Facebook:

Progressives push that to the people years ago to stop people;s involvement in politics and religion; progressives solution to stop people from talking Politics and Religion was Organize Sports. Did Progressive win?

Joe Viglione's response:

Dan - "Progressives" want conversation, it is the Republican party of 2018 that shuts down discussion of anything and points the finger.

Trump supporters send bombs to progressives and the White House will do as Nazi Germany did - blame the victims to get a "leg up" in the 2018 mid-terms.

It's so transparent and phony the way Trump and his idiotic followers behave. It is also extremely dangerous and takes true courage to even attempt to discuss rationally something with the Dan MacG types of the world. Sometimes having a conversation with righties, who think they are always right, is like talking to a brick wall.

There is very little talking to the GOP / Republican crazies, who are in the minority. Gerrymandering and suppression of votes and dictating. But as this journalist has noted, the old adage "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" is seen everywhere, especially in Medford where "democrat" (in name only) Stephanie Muccini-Burke, behaves so much like a Karl Rove or a Dick Cheney, power-hungry mobsters.

She's a little fish in a little pond who thinks she is a big fish in a big pond, yet powerful McGlynn pulls her puppet strings.

But there is no talking in civil fashion to some people, Dan, and your conduct on this site is Exhibit A as I gather information so that readers will think rationally, while people who do little or no heavy lifting just throw rocks.

I'm a target because I put myself out there instead of hiding in the shadows and "feeding" information for someone else to take the hits. And boy have they come after me and hit me. Which proves my point, anti-progressives hate progress, they want the same old same old Being a progressive is all about progress.

I told Harold that making fun of Hillary Clinton was not the smartest thing to do, but people never listen to good advice, especially from someone who has collected more information about the city of Medford than the local wholly owned and city hall operated "media" like the Medford Transcript.

When have you seen investigative reporting of substance in the Transcript? Oh, when national news goes on a Stephen Lebert and when City Hall wants to OUST LeBert they unload the dirty laundry that we had a good idea about to begin with

It took a kid with a camera to take down a bad apple like LeBert, or else no one would have believed it. Now that's PROGRESS, that's Progressive, and the nepotism in Medford, especially in the police department where a Paul Mxxxxxxxx lied to my face and intentionally harassed me,
where that kind of wrongful conduct needs to be exposed.

Taking on the police department is a prescription for harassment - as I was asked to tape the Montvale Ave strike by the police against Mrs. Burke one of the officers yelled at me because he didn't like my writings...while I'm doing the cops a favor and taping them at their request.

Being a good guy and helping out I've had rocks thrown at me on this page by a police officer, internet harassment by those sworn to serve and protect.

At this point it is all about helping out the city, the planet. Republicans are so off base, so far away from the party of Abraham Lincoln, but they don't want to know. They won't discuss it with us, they use underhanded tactics to hijack elections, as purported "Democrat" Muccini-Burke does, kissing up to Republican Charlie Baker

The ultimate goal is to have a peaceful society with harmony, but we don't have that and the good men and women of the Medford Police Force Are Besmirched by the Wrongful Conduct of those in positions of power who serve and protect themselves, not the citizens.