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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Letter to Breanna on Inefficient City Calendar in Medford

1,353,611 @ 10:33 am June 4

Breanna Lungo Koehn
Medford MA 02155

Dear Council Vice President,

Citizens who pay expensive cable rates are frustrated that the Burke Administration likes to wait until the 11th hour to post for public meetings.

Mr. Falco pulled this stunt and what it does is DENY the citizens ample time to attend a meeting in Room 201 or Room 207 or anywhere in the city.   Falco's egregious past action is posted on my blog.

Not only does Mr. Jay Campbell do this on a monthly basis regarding the Cable TV Commission, it seems to be an epidemic in the Burke Administration. It's a lack of transparency, it is sneaky, and it is a terrific campaign issue to show the clandestine nature of the Burke administration, and her puppet master McGlynn "before" her (McGlynn is clearly directing the FKS - Frequent Kohl's Shopper - Mrs. Burke, McGlynn, the stain that won't go away, the ghost that haunts the halls of Medford City Hall...golly gee, am I seeing things or is that the McGlynnmobile frequently parked at 85 George P....)

In any event, if we could get some Comet cleanser on the hands of the City Solicitor maybe things would get better.

I am requesting that ALL events be POSTED as early as possible.

We got over six thousand page views in advance for the Saturday night  REUNION *June 1* of Boston Rock & Roll artists which happened at The Middle East nightclub. Legends like Gary Shane, Andy Pratt got to open for yours truly, who,  in 1978 - was one of Boston's Five Best Bands as listed in Playboy Magazine.   And I got to keep my clothes ON for that illustrious issue.  Even though I was young and handsome and 24. If they made me the centerfold imagine how much copies of the zine would go for on eBay today!

My point: I've hit the 6 thousand mark a couple of times for two separate nightclubs as publicist.   Rule 101 in publicity, get the word out as SOON as possible.  The club agent, a Medford resident, didn't want me putting the word out until the tickets were on sale, but I know my audience and getting the Event Page up on Facebook was smart.

Why can't Jay Campbell get his act together?

Because he's a political appointee with zero experience in public access with a lust to promote his real estate business on access TV according to a meeting I taped last year. 

Stephanie Burke abuses city resources for her own cronies.  Mr. Campbell is such a brown-noser that he's the rule, not the exception   Bottom line: genuflect and kiss Stephanie's shoes and she opens the kingdom to you.

Criticize Stephanie Burke for being a phony and all hell breaks loose.

This is a request to have ALL city events promoted as far in advance as possible.

Failure to do so is more evidence of corruption and possible malfeasance by the Burke administration.

I do not say this lightly.   Mrs. Burke has destroyed much of our infrastructure and is allergic to term limits.

For obvious reasons.


Joe Viglione