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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Trump vs Muccini-Burke - a Facebook Editorial from Joe V.

1,400,830 @ 1:37 pm
407 since 8 pm last night

To Larry regarding "Danny the Joker" 

Danny is playing "the joker" - he's just looking for attention with this nonsense. Here's something that I wrote on my own page to a misguided friend named Gerry : as a citizen watching this I am very unhappy with Trump on many levels - subterfuge, histrionics about a "wall" that I do not want - that is pure bad showmanship and a waste of funds. Reading from many perspectives, not just Schiff - who I think is doing a good job - you should be concerned at all the stonewalling by Trump's fractured administration. His "You're Fired" attitude resembles his Apprentice Show. You know I've studied Medford politics - and made an impact - and made the sacrifice to remove some very powerful bad apples. My blog is over 1 million four hundred thousand page views, over a thousand yesterday with my commentary on the primary Tuesday, so I come to this discussion with more powers of observation than most. What I see is Trump's Washington DC is ineffective, just as Medford's Democrats reflect Trump's Republican behavior. It is stunning to see it all roll out,each party as disrespectful and unethical as the other, I don't need Adam Schiff to tell me what I can see with my own eyes; I need Schiff to issue those subpoenas and take down the GOP attempt to fill the courts with judges that they approve of, when the Gerrymandered GOP (no reflection on you, Gerry...) is the minority in this country. That they would use such a disgusting individual, Trump, with the sexual harassment claims, just the ugly way Trump abuses Twitter, creating distractions because the majority of the country is uncomfortable with his coddling dictators while insulting our allies. My personal opinion, based on information and belief, is that Trump is a traitor. That's my opinion, my decision, and I don't care which government agency removes him, I want Trump out as soon as legally possible.