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Read my response on Facebook to a question first:
I'm asking about THIRTY officers of the law, not a particular one. Keep in mind, city hall releases information with impunity when it serves their political purpose, with no thought of any Privacy Exemption for an employee that Mayor Burke or her administration would like to make an example of. And ...I have won many of these appeals. I haven't printed the full letter I sent today. Remember, Massachusetts has a gray area. Some states allow FULL DISCLOSURE in these matters; Massachusetts is in the group that allows SOME information to be divulged, and the third group refuses ANY information to come out about personnel. In Massachusetts we have the opportunity to get that information. I believe my letter has made its point. We shall see within the next week. And there is always the chance to appeal it again, or take it to court. With the election 18-19 days away, we need the information now.
the public wants to know this critical information prior to an election!
The names of the 27-30 officers, currently under appeal. I have written a POWERFUL appeal with reasons as to why the public needs to know the names of these officers. Here is part of it: This journalist is not looking for such a political advantage; this journalist is investigating a matter of GREAT PUBLIC INTEREST. Mayor Burke does not want the information out because it shows her failed leadership during a critical election cycle where Mrs. Burke is fighting a very popular opponent in Attorney and Council VP Breanna Lungo-Koehn.
Mrs. Burke uses the personnel of the fire department, the police department, for her own political gain, and that is, I believe, something she shouldn't be doing when it comes to personnel and privacy issues."
Joe Viglione