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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Thank You Scarpelli, Morell, Marks and Falco for SPEAKING DISTINCTLY

Isaac Bears
and damn well should take a public speaking course.

What the Fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

People pay too much money for the city council.
Show some respect and speak slowly, clearly, and distinctly.  That's Transparency.

Talking too fast means that you are hiding something.   And Caraviello obviously suffers from M.S. = Mumbling Slob!

Uggggh....Zac Bears pounding the table.
Man, before you took the job, did you ever think of maybe getting an access TV show to watch yourself perform.  Pound the table and the microphone goes nuts!  Kindergarten councilor...dammit...Medford deserves better.

Slamming the table with sensitive microphones is the work of a novice.  If he can't deal with technology, what the hell do you think he's going to do voting on important issues?

Learning on the job?  What?  This isn't McDonald's or Brueggar's Bagels - the Bagel shop has little stickers telling new recruits how to make a sandwich ON THE JOB. That's what Zac is doing, but he's NOT getting minimum wage.
