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Monday, March 9, 2020

12/31/13 Where did the Money Go Oh Money Managers????

1,565,042 @ 2:54 pm
699 since 8 pm last night!
Attorney General's Office To Get SERIOUS questions.  They asked me to give them information that they may not have.

Boy do I ever have information for them!


Hi, we're the money managers

Call us if we can answer any of your questions

---Here are my questions to Harvey and Ronnie

a)You were supposed to learn how to edit and how to videotape.  DID YOU USE paid staff to do your infomercial? 

b)why did you spend $100,000.00 in phony lawsuits, losing for violating anti-SLAPP and theoretically spitting at people at the city council with the lies, subterfuge and distractions?

c)If you are such great money managers, why not work with the community and buy a building with that money?

d)You bozo's got thrown out by McGlynn...real money management at work

e)Ron Delucia called it "sloppy bookkeeping" and that he was "guilty" of it - to the city council - so isn't it not very honest to ask people to call when you don't know what the hell (or insert F word) you are doing? 

f)Delucia said he would be "damned" if he gave up TV3.  That's exactly where you both belong for ripping off the community of their access TV, bad hiring practices, failure to put a studio where there was connectivity ...and glorifying yourselves on the TV station you wouldn't let so many people use

g)The records speak volumes

Attorney General's Office Getting My Report and you know what I will be suggesting to them.