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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The CO2 Conspiracy in Medford...if your name ends in O

936,401 @ 9:28 am
The Political Weather, 3-14-17 - 31 million to be stuck inside today. Anyone notice how CugnO and CamusO and Caraviell0 all have a C and an O beginning and ending their names. Are they the C02 creating Global Warming in the City of Medford? "...have rapidly increased its concentration in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. Carbon dioxide also causes ocean acidification because it dissolves in water to form carbonic acid.[7] - Maiocco, Dello Russo, Falco, if your name ends in 0 you are OWNED by the Mayor, Mr. D'Antonio! Well, maybe not Tony, but unless or until Penta becomes Pento, we must remain vigilant.

31 million to be insulated by the snow today

IF YOUR NAME ENDS IN 0 you are OWNED by the mayor


doubly so for Dell0 Russ0
Van der Fruit-0h!
DiBenidetto is thinking of defecting to Penta so she will be DiBenedetta 

The Co2 emissions in City Hall from the hot air of he's-n0-cEo Camuso can drain the oxygen out of the room, which is bad for breathing, which is the way Double0 Dello Russo likes his boys, on ice and without deep breaths!    

Adam Knight-oh and Caraviello fumble and stumble their way through sentences. The D.A. needs to give them a long sentence they can't stumble the house of correction.