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Sunday, September 8, 2019

Did Medford Mayor Stephanie Muccini-Burke's Daughter Have Sex With A High School Teacher and the Mayor allegedly covered it up?

1,391,861 @ 10:34 am 
Mayor Burke wants to CORI check the candidates for public office if they want a show on HER access TV station.  Mayor Burke giving the finger to the citizens of Medford.

But did her daughter really have sex with a high school teacher who got a lateral move to another school, probably Cambridge, while Jenna Tarabelsi went to prison for having sex with a student.

Mayor Stephanie Muccini-Burke is MUCH TOO vulgar for the city of Medford.  She should be in prison if her daughter fxxxed a teacher and she swept it under the rug, allegedly.  Here's the mayor giving the FINGER to Jenna Tarabelsi and the rest of the city.

Vulgar Mayor Burke and her dysfunctional Court Clerk Brian S. Burke family. Who are you going to believe? Attorney Deanne Devney from #MedfordCityHall or your own eyes? Disgusting, it's all about Mrs. Burke and not the citizens @MayorOfMalden @MayorofMedford @marty_walsh #Rum