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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

He Thought The MATV Board Meeting Was on the Tarmac -OOOOPS - and then threatened State Troopers

1,538,821 @ 12:19 pm

A reader suggested Sergiu Parfeni may have had medical issues...

We do not know this. MATV has had a stalker on the board of directors. The Executive Director loathed the stalker and used her stalking activities in a ploy to remove her from the board. By the way, he reads these posts religiously. The ED illegally engaged with the stalker to violate the restraining order and recently admitted to me that he knew it was illegal and now the ED is involved in this mess. 

This is not public access. 

That Dr Rabies engineered the stalking activities and airs in Malden shows what we are dealing with. 

If a board member has a medical condition why is he still on the board? 

Public safety first. 

Full disclosure: I was the music director for this particular ED for the past 20 years. As I removed the board of MCC in Medford six years ago I think I have some experience with working to help the public when power goes to the head of these egomaniacs.

First Amendment
Free Speech
Obi Ron Kenobi

"You be the judge" sayeth the twice-arrested ex board member of TV3 Medford.

We did judge and we got you and the entrenched cronies bounced.

So what do you think we'll do with the Uma mess, Ms. Thurman???