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Friday, March 7, 2025

The Logical Mind A message from Joe Viglione


The Logical Mind A message from Joe Viglione
Imagine if you were convicted by a jury of your peers as Donald Trump was. You would wear a Scarlet Letter, not posting your infamy in the White House. Trump took the low road besmirching Marco Rubio, cheating on his wives, swindling and cheating vendors, praising dictators, doing very bad things - the very things that benefited Hitler, Putin, Kim Jong Un, and now the criminal Trump is in the house.
Millionaires and Billionaires are excited about sticking their mitts into your wallet and purse and screwing you. The great stock market and jobs reports that hard-working Joe Biden got us are being hijacked by those who have more than you.
It is time for honest people to jail the Trumpsters, put them in prison, and let's go back to living our lives without these very bad people who steal from our hard work and honest endeavors.
Rick Scott looks like the evil Reverend Kane from Poltergeist and those looks are not deceiving: Scott is the devil.

What People Are Saying
Kevin Thompson, founder and CEO of 9i Capital Group, told Newsweek: "If Social Security were to fail, it could be the final straw for many Americans, leading to widespread distrust in the government's ability to manage essential programs. This would be a nightmare scenario, particularly for Republicans, as they push for fiscal responsibility while maintaining voter trust." Rick Scott Issues Social Security Warning: 'Have To Get Something Done'
The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities said in a July 2024 report regarding the funding of Social Security benefits: "Policymakers need to strengthen Social Security. Nearly everyone participates in Social Security, first as a worker and eventually as a beneficiary. The program's benefits are the foundation of income security in old age, though they are modest both in dollar terms and compared with benefits in other countries."

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