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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Weasel Art DeLuca is the joke of Medford


The candidates never joined because they didn't want to face the invective of the untalented "write-in" candidate, Arthur DeLuca, who has violated a police agreement and hurled mud at this access producer.  Only one person has the strength to fight - and win. The 501c3 was in complete violation of the rules governing access television. You, Arthur Deluca, were a big part of those violations.  A good lawyer would advise the ex-board of blabbing in public, but - then again - TV 3 never had a good lawyer, did they?

I'm quoting what the Mayor stated in the local papers in his press release. Your buddy McGlynn is the one giving the date. Why do you follow me around, Mr. DeLuca? You should be getting your defense strategy ready, you are going to need it. 

October 06, 2013 at 02:46 PM
Mr. Deluca, you are out of the loop. You aren't at council meetings, you are not at political events, you are unqualified to sit on ANY board in the city and you don't know what the heck you are talking about. Your rants and your aliases only prove your lack of vision and your failure to comprehend how big an issue this is. Front page of Patch, front page of Transcript, front page of Mercury. More to come. Keep deluding yourself. People are now going to see how important access TV is, because this morning people were asking about allowing neighboring stations to participate in the rebuilding process, which is your ex-boss's worst nightmare. Let the citizens compare when they have a flourishing access station and actually see what a bad job you did and how you hurt so many residents with your personal attacks and failure to facilitate local programming...everyone's but your own.