855,463 @ 11:13
136 @ 11:13 pm
"You're very logical"
Judge LaMothe to the editor when the editor crushed the infidels at TV3
"You're an intelligent man"
Judge Fitzpatrick
"He's delusional"
City Solicitor I'll Sue You If You Use My Name but I'm a big proponent of free speech*
"Your Honor, Objection"
Joe Vig, Editor
Judge to City Solicitor I'll Sue You if you Use my Name! (but I'm a big proponent of free speech)
The editor concurs!
*the aspersion-casting city solicitor said delusional in one court house, but it fits in nicely when the victim called him out with a simple "objection" in another.
"I can make it 6 in 4"
Attorney David P. Ex Mayor's Cousin
in response to editor saying to a woman in the hallway of Middelsex Superior Court "That man threatened me five times in three court houses!"