Friday, June 19, 2015

355,005 Galvanizing Citizens to Vote the McGlynn Machine OUT!

355,053 @ 9:32 pm
825 page views yesterday 6/18

Three Hundred Fifty Five Thousand and Five hits

One Hundred Forty Four Thousand, 995 to a
This community is united against McGlynn and his corrupt Administration.

McGlynn stands in the way of access TV, and uses the P/E/G monies to pay 3 teachers, BUT, two of those teachers PROMOTE McGlynn's agenda and not other elected officials.

McGlynn is a selfish Mayor, naming a school after his father, employing his two daughters at the school for an obscene amount of money, meanwhile, under Plan A government, which McGlynn has abused for the better part of three decades, McGlynn uses all sorts of sleight of hand to bully the spineless crew on the School Committee.

McGlynn infected the City Council with classless bullies, repulsive individuals like Adam Knight, Paul Camuso and Freddy Dello Russo, Jr., three rats in a maze that McGlynn orders around as if they were on remote control.

Lots more to spill onto the internet in the run up to Election 2015, November 3.

Stay tuned.