Lauren Feltch
Medford City Hall
85 Geo. P. Hassett Drive
Medford MA 02155
Dear Ms. Feltch - please add me to the press release list from city hall. The mayor has no right to discriminate against senior citizens who do not praise her for every misstep that she makes.
To the three members of the Cable Advisory - I will hold your feet to the fire when it comes to the public access needs of this community.
1)Terrible audio at the school committee cablecast tonight on the matter of Belson leaving the superintendent's office. Since it is a matter of great public interest, an individual making $67,500.00 a year should be able to give us pristine audio or go back to school. YOU< the Cable Advisory Committee, have an obligation to this community to step in and correct this bad situation.
Last night the audio of the announcement of Roy E. Belson's "resignation" was terrible.
This is not the first time that young TV3 station manager Ben Brown has messed up on audio.
2)At a city council meeting in 2017 held in Caron Auditorium Ben said that he didn't have time to "run back to the studio" to change the horrible audio.
Yet this speaker stood about six to eight inches from the microphone and could be heard clearly.
Why didn't Ben Brown tell all the speakers to stand far enough away from the microphone to compensate for his failure to have good audio? What kind of a "station manager" is he?
Clearly, as bad as the previous young man hired by TV3, Dawn Natalia before him, Jason before her and "Big" Steve Marra. For the amount of money we have paid these alleged "station managers" and the 1.2 million or so cable subscribers pony up for the general fund, we have been cheated by two mayors who loathe public access television; the former mayor with a phony cable advisory board.
Why didn't Ben Brown tell the speakers to stand away from the microphone rather than telling me he didn't have time to "run back to the studio?" (Duh!) Simple: the inexperienced and arrogant young man takes our money but does not have the years that it takes to operate a station for a municipality the size of Medford.
Like Mayor Burke, Ben Brown is out of his depth
Medford Cable subscribers are ripped off again because the one qualification Ben Brown does have is one that is not needed for public access TV: he does the bidding of the woefully unqualified "issuing authority, Mayor Stephanie Muccini-Burke.
The Cable Advisory Board needs to address these issues; it also needs to see the conflict with Muccini-Burke being the "issuing authority" and advise her to stop with the conflicts of interest.
The First Amendment trumps Muccini-Burke's hijacking of community media so that it serves the pleasure of the mayor and not the community.
Ben Brown has a ghost town over there at the high school, the way a lazy person likes it.
Lauren, again - Please add my news organization to the list for receiving press releases.
I am especially interested in meetings of the Cable Advisory Board.
Mayor Burke discriminates against me and that is not fair.
Joe Viglione
12:51 am
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