Saturday, August 1, 2015

How Frank Pilleri and Mayor McGlynN Conspired To Rip First Amendment RIGHTS away from Medford Citizens

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Gee, the new candidates are screaming that they don't have the access to access TV that Harvey Alberg and Ron Delucia did for "Money Managers" when those rip-off artists fleeced our access TV monies for phony lawsuits, parties for themselves, use of the equipment for themselves, use of staff for themselves, then having the insufferable and disgraced jackass Julie T. Kelleher as the only one joining in their chorus "YOU REALLY DON'T NEED ACCESS"

But those sons of bitches know we PAY for access and those scoundrels can't run for office. Look at the disgrace of Julie the Jarhead running for elected office in Somerville, or elder-basher Arthur Alan Deluca (who used Medford community computers for himself to harass everyone with) who allegedly could not get ONE signature to run for Mayor.

This was a scandal - a sleazy deal McGlynn allegedly cut with Pilleri and the twice-arrested Gary Zappelli.

That's who McGlynn gets into bed with; and go to bed with dogs you end up with fleas.

Look at the flea bites all over McGlynn as his disaster of a campaign for Muccini-Burke is desperate NOT to have you on the airwaves.

You want to see the faces of hate, look right here:

those are two of the dirty rats who took your resources, used a phony address on High Street on corporate documents, and who spit in your face about "Toxic Mold."

You need the education access TV offers the community, for computer skills, for camera skills, and the television platform you pay for.

But those bastards stole it from you, and never accounted for the monies, and they went on a hate/smear campaign because their dirty hands are as guilty as sin.


Marriage Isn’t Everything—Here Are the LGBT Civil Rights Battles That Still Need to be Fought

Gay marriage is in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court, but there are plenty of areas of American law where inequality persists.
1. Workplace Equality

There is no explicit, cohesive federal law that protects Americans from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. President Barack Obama’s executive order from last summer protects employees of federal contractors, and decisions from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission can further existing employment protections. But gaping loopholes leave LGBT individuals vulnerable to discrimination in employment, housing, and public services.