Wednesday, September 6, 2017

TV Program: Why Rick Caraviello is bad for Medford

coming to TV 3 / Channel 47
The Truth about Richard F. Caraviello 


Watch for these documents on Access TV so that you, dear Medford, can be informed this election cycle


According to the AG's office, LAW ENFORCEMENT could be impeded if they discuss the facts about Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.

On Halloween, 2016, Harvey Alberg told a judge that he stepped down from the board of directors.

MCC is under investigation, Harvey Alberg's fake address is a big part of that investigation in the opinion of this writer as the AG's office has personally requested as much information as I can give them.   I have the e mail.

So when both Arthur Deluca and Harvey Alberg are, according to the A.G., being investigated to the point where it can't be discussed with the public as "law enforcement" could be impeded, you find that Alberg and Delucia have zero credibility.

Let the A.G. publish a letter that they are squeaky clean.  Deluca has NEVER had credibility in this city...never.   When he showed up at the high school  during a council meeting in August, the texts and comments about "dr. rabies" would make your head spin.

He is loathed in this community. 

Arthur Alan Deluca liberally used the resources of the old MCC for his own advantage, keeping the public out while he allegedly took advantage of cameras, computers and airtime.

What did Rick Caraviello ever do to investigate TV3 but hang out with Ronald Delucia.  See photo above.

to be continued.   On television...