1,344,026@7:57 pm
1)Citizens of Medford need a strong cause
2)in every revolution there is one man with a vision
Imagine you had to shop for a mayor or city solicitor or councilor at a grocery store?
Would you pay $500.00 for a gallon of milk? So why are you paying 30K for walking vomit?
Would you pay Thirty Two Thousand dollars for a mumbling, stupid, lying Rivk Caraviello with the ugly smell that accompanies it? Uggggh
It is no bargain. It is a rip-off Toxic individuals who do their most malicious to ruin your quality of life.
Adam Knight useless as Fred Dello Russo
Like rotting meat and vegetables taking money and giving nothing in return - you have a majority of the population not knowing how city government operates
So crooked school committee people can hurt the soccer kids or let your kid get raped
A dirty school superintendent, crooked cops, mayors with unclean hands who get defensive over calls for transparency and cruel if you don’t kiss their filthy asses
Caraviello should go on a dating website for votes
Can you imagine?
Weight. 500 pounds
70% of it above the neckline
I.Q. 35
Love me!
Have you no self-respect Medford?
You pay 32k for a walking piece of horse manure like Rick Caraviello?
Scarpelli. Dello Russo. Knight. 30k each?
How stupid ARE you Medford?
Love me!
Have you no self-respect Medford?
You pay 32k for a walking piece of horse manure like Rick Caraviello?
Scarpelli. Dello Russo. Knight. 30k each?
How stupid ARE you Medford?