Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Joker - A Review will Post Here!

1,409,520 @ 12:57 am

Some people call me the Space Cowboy...

a Joe Viglione essay

      Brad Pitt's Ad Astra promised much but fell as flat as a speech by glass-on-the-chalkboard Stephanie Muccini-Burke.  Wasted performances by Donald Sutherland and Tommy Lee Jones, both exiles from the motion picture Space Cowboys ---and the only comment I can think of is:  

...Ad Astra, you're no Space Cowboy ...(all due respect to the late Lloyd Bentsen)...and Steve Miller Band should sue because this film is hardly the Gangster of Love.

      So let's get down to business.   The soundtrack to this film is utterly amazing.  But if I want to hear a good bit of music from the movies I can put it in the CD player.  It's an AMAZING soundtrack, but director Todd Phillips doesn't get it, you need a story to go along with a superb film score.

     Before I slam this film so hard you'll think it is simply another article on failed Medford access station TV3 (a story about an unhinged loner called "Arthur" who lives with and abuses his mom - a certain Medford resident should sue Warner Brothers for the obvious plagiarism, but that's a story for another day...)

    I will note that a colleague of mine that I respect puts Joker in his "Top 10."   This is immediately after the screening.  I thought the film was awful (with some redeeming moments.)  He noted that that's why press people have different opinions.
     This film is as dreary as going on a date with court clerk Brian Burke.  It lacks excitement, it plods along like a Kim Jong Un parade, it's dark, boring and feels like swimming through sludge. If one reviewer wrote that Superman vs Batman was "Like putting your head in a beehive," this new D.C. monstrosity (Justice League anyone?  Suicide Squad?) resembles a lugubrious two hour lecture by Robert A. Maiocco, Jr.  And it doesn't get much worse than that.   It relies on violence for its best moments, and that is the epitome of lazy scripting AND lazy directing.  The story is so elasticized, like spaghetti being drawn and quartered, that it only needs a cameo from Ben Affleck to drag it totally down to the Ed Wood realm and standards, standards so low they're only acceptable at the Medford Police Department...for a quarter or more of its officers...but I digress...

    More soon...have a phone call to make to stop all the texting on our new project

Be back@!




12:57 am 10-2-19
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