Monday, October 7, 2019

Medford info Central: Improving Medford by Reporting the News

1,413,093 @ 7:49 pm

Medford Information Central, 28 days before an election.  (Note: I'm working on my letter to Michael draft elsewhere...)

When the Medford Transcript has a headline: 
Medford residents, officials "concerned" with police misconduct, Chief says he still trusts officers

using the term "police misconduct," and Chief Buckley sounds like he's reading off of his dated bio on the Police webpage, Houston (and Medford,) there's a "problem."

Five Hundred and Fifty-Three views from 8 pm Sunday October 6 to Monday October 7; One Million, Four Hundred and Thirteen Thousand, Ninety-Three views all-time.

Beyond the city solicitor Mark Rumley and TV3's Arthur Deluca obsessing over this blog (knock forty or fifty thousand off for those two!) we have a vast group of readers across the spectrum.

This drives city hall bonkers.

It's about getting the message out.  Not enough time to proof and edit, so sometimes the story is raw, but you get the hint - this is a very corrupt city and maybe an online magazine won't take all of the bad apples out, our goal is to keep tabs on the bad conduct of city hall and the police department so that other investigative reporters can find tips and leads to get the news to a wider audience.

In that regard, Medford Information Central is key to the health of the city of Medford.  

7:49 pm

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I Want to Marry Craig Olejnik...but I can't pronounce his name!
He got married to a woman at 40, which is a big red flag.  I know he's saving himself for me.