Sunday, November 3, 2019

Are Burke and McGlynn Getting Rich From Abusing the Office of the Mayor?

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1,430,325 @ 9:53 am Eastern Standard Time

An investigation by Medford Information Central


5. The E.U. spends $65 billion a year subsidizing agriculture. But a chunk of that money emboldens strongmen, enriches politicians and finances corrupt dealing.
A Times investigation, conducted in nine countries for much of 2019, uncovered a subsidy system that is deliberately opaque, grossly undermines the bloc’s environmental goals and is warped by corruption. Above, fields near in Hungary.
“The European Union has very limited instruments for dealing with gangster member states,” said one expert on the bloc’s lavish farming subsidies. “It’s a real problem.”

Fifty years ago Sunday, Nixon sat in the Oval Office and delivered a nationally televised speech whose content is almost universally forgotten today, but, like so many major presidential addresses, is remembered for one phrase: “silent majority.’’ Continue reading →