Saturday, February 10, 2024

Pat Jehlen Needs 300 certified signatures on my nomination papers by the end of April.

Pat Jehlen needs 300 Signatures by April  
I need 300 certified signatures on my nomination papers by the end of April. CTE Pat Jehlen Our mailing address is: 67 Dane St, Somerville MA 02143

  I need 300 certified signatures on my nomination papers by the end of April. 

 If you can get even a few signatures from your household, or if you are willing to stand at a T stop, 

let me know.  

More fun: knock on your neighbors' doors.  

Make new friends and keep up with the old.  I can make you a list of voters to help. 

Sat, Feb 10 at 3:51 PM

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Dear Neighbor,

This is not my usual newsletter. Usually, I write a (too) long essay about an issue we're considering in the legislature.  Usually, I break it up with photos, and offer links/footnotes so people can check my work.  This tiime, it's two short requests for assistance:

1. If you think the newsletter is helpful, please encourage others to subscribe.  Maybe send them one you liked, or refer them to the archives for a free sample.

2. I need 300 certified signatures on my nomination papers by the end of April.  If you can get even a few signatures from your household, or if you are willing to stand at a T stop, let me know.  More fun: knock on your neighbors' doors.  Make new friends and keep up with the old.  I can make you a list of voters to help.  

More in my series on housing problems and solutions very soon.

Enjoy whatever weather's happening when you get this. 

Stay safe and stay in touch,