Sunday, June 30, 2024

Howie Carr Meets Paul Covino


Sun, Jun 30 at 8:21 PM
The Boston Geriatric 
p. O. Box 4004 | Westford, MA 01886 

Poor Cowie Harr and his dear friend Donald's cognitive decline. 

 Biden’s Wins @BidensWins 9h
BREAKING: The Biden campaign has now raised a
 record setting $33 million 
since the debate, with over half of the 
donations coming from first time donors. 
The media is dead wrong. Democrats are
 enthusiastic about defeating
 Donald Trump and reelecting President Biden.
I was disappointed that this debate wasn't a battle royal, but with withering 
Trump telling lie after lie,
like he made the drop in insulin pricing, really?  
 People ARE talking about how bad Trump's  performance
was, but inadvertently what the Biden campaign did was to get 
President Joe on the front page everywhere,
taking Trump somewhat off of the news cycle. 
Our honest president becoming the underdog.  
America loves an honest underdog taking on
the forces of evil  

This is going to be fun as Biden ramps up the attacks on 
Trump at the campaign stops.

"This is going to be fun" the late Mark Parenteau phoned 
me to say when his embattled
program director was investigated 
by two major publications (Wall St. Journal, USA Today.) 
 Full disclosure, I was interviewed by both papers, ostensibly, 
so was Parenteau.

With Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, the Abortion issue, 
George Santos, 
Mike "Insurrection Man" Speaker Johnson
and his son with the porn meter (does it go off when 
Jack Johnson dates Barron Trump?) ha ha....
the blue wave is here,
and orange man, convicted Felon Donald 
gets sentenced what, a week from Tuesday? 
With Bannon going to jail

Happy Days are Here Again

It's a long way down for Howie Carr.  Oh, he will collect his
 cash and ride off into the 
sunset with his TDS,
and his fizzling newspaper numbers actually 
need nutty columns like his as the Herald followers throw their
money away on the Herald and on Donald Trump.   
A "billionaire" desperate for money, too funny.

 May 20  The cognitive decline in 
Trump is too great to ignore.
 "He is on the fast-track to dementia," says
With his current mental state and the type of person 
Trump is, it would be far too dangerous to elect
 him as president.

The Boston Herald's dwindling numbers are certainly 
not going to generate a "red wave" in Massachusetts!
My old friend Jimmy Lyons will never talk to me again...
ha, boy was I rough on him, and he deserved it.

What Howie Carr proves is that you can make money
 with a tiny minority if you throw the numbskulls red meat!

I haven't listened to Carr in probably 20 years, 
nor do I read the Herald anymore, just their crazy headlines.

Since I shaved my head last week and resemble 
corrupt Medford cop Paul Covino, my blog numbers have
gone through the roof.  HA,  
Joe Battenfeld is green with envy, and he should be.

Covino falsely accused me of kicking a trash barrel
 at the Medford City Council.
 It was a lie told by TV3
before I shut them down and the 
jackass Covino somehow avoided 
the Brady List (disgraced list) that
Medford has the most cops on 
in all of Middlesex County. 
 His partner in crime, Kevin Faller, is now
the police chief of Melrose.  
Such low standards for two, as Cowie Harr would say, "reprobates."

You got that right.

So in my parody I marry Covino's 31 year old plumber son
 (He's hot, give the son of the devil his due,)
and the fat ex city council president's son
 (he's hot too!) and we commit polygamy intentionally,
and the two daddies murder the "notorious blogger."  
 Boy my parodies know how to get numbers,
Mr. Battenfeld. 

Guess you gotta live in Medford to get the inside jokes.

The Blue Wave is here, let Howie and Battenfool rant, 
 and maybe Jimmy Lyons will make
his triumphant return

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Boston Herald <>
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 06:01:55 PM EDT
Subject: Howie Carr: The truth about Biden comes out yet again

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Howie Carr: The truth about Biden comes out yet again

This time the Democrats and state-run media (but I repeat myself) have been telling you endlessly that Dementia Joe Biden was sharp as a tack and absolutely at the top of his game. It was yet another lie.