Monday, June 1, 2015

D'Antonio SLAMS Camuso, Knight and Dello Russo

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Greetings to you all:

This Tuesday I hope that you can make it to the council meeting to show support or to speak on the subject of charter review and its importance for the city of Medford and our citizens .

What you should know is that several councilors, DelloRusso, Knight and Camuso, voted against our attempts to bring a commission into existence to review the charter. Now,  these same councilors, listed above, feeling threatened that they may lose their positions,(Camuso not running) have now suspiciously motioned to send the issue to the city solicitor for an "opinion" on charter review organization. This is no more than a lame attempt to put the issue out there to make people believe they are sincere about the issue of charter review until after the elections. Do not be fooled. 

Please try to attend. Thank you.

            Anthony D'Antonio