706,061@1:43 pm
City Hall Medford in a disgusting cover - up not telling teachers about sexual predators at Medford High School.
Even senior citizens aren't immune. One senior citizen had to take out a restraining order on a deranged woman who accused him of necrophilia and a host of other crimes.
Medford is as bad as the Catholic Church in covering up sex crimes, and the clock is ticking until Stephanie Muccini Burke and Roy Belson have to fess up, resign, or be impeached and indicted.
It's sick. It's damn sick. And this is the mayor of your city.
Here's an even sicker punchline:
The violent stalker with a restraining order on her is now molesting the Medford Transcript pages in praise of Muccini-Burke AND stating bluntly that she wants to "teach" at the facility that her victim is lobbying the city to provide for access TV.
Get it, people? The stalker is under a court order to stay 100 yards away from her senior citizen victim who just turned 62, which means she cannot even travel on Salem Street by his home, which is within the 100 yards.
So she terrorizes him while under a restraining order wanting to "teach" at the building he is trying to secure for the citizens for public access TV.
It is a sick and ugly city and that is the supporter of Stephanie Muccini-Burke making what the victim considers an out and out threat to show up where she knows he will be working and/or volunteering.
Another sick Muccini-Burke supporter possibly committing a crime in black and white.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
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» Gross Stephanie Muccini-Burke doesn't give a damn about your children
Gross Stephanie Muccini-Burke doesn't give a damn about your children
By Information Central May 15, 2016