Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A polarized city is a paralyzed city

Each citizen matters.

In Medford there is a sense of the "elite" and the serfs.  Yet every citizen's life matters in a city where the government's posture is sadly the opposite of the reality experienced by Medford's residents.
The ghosts of the two McGlynn mayors pervade the body politic, and with the aloof, out of touch charlatan of a mayor behaving badly, where do the people paying the freight (me and you, ladies and gents, me and you) go for relief? For justice? Just to live their lives without obscene oppression like Chatanooga Pay-to-Park and slimy politicians who think they are better than everyone else? 

A foul-mouthed court clerk and his clueless wife are hardly the ones to lead us out of the McGlynn morass. 

It's time for a change.

Keep reading Medford Info Central, the beginning of the solution for Medford's problems.

Shining a little light on the undemocratic mayor, solicitor and police chief.

10:48 pm

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