Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Rum Rum and Belso Fail at Damage Control Tonight

Rumley's attempt at damage control failed tonight.  

They ("Chapter 74 board) violated the law and we caught them. 

Adam Knight asked if I knew the law better than Rumley. 

Well, he's the city lawyer yet i caught them breaking the law, Rumley didn't. 

So you figure that out, Adam

I certainly know producer's agreements better than the city lawyer AND had the old reprobate thrown off the witness stand when MER-lin (Mark E Rumley) the magician was engaging in character assassination.  A simple "objection" was the bucket of water the judge threw at the wicked witch of Medford...and Mark E Rumley, Merlin himself, melted away on September 1, 2016.

He yelled at me on Thursday September 28 that he was "under subpoena" failing to recognize:

a)He could have asked a judge to dismiss him

b)After he was thrown off of the witness stand, why did he hang around so long, talking to Harvey Alberg and Arthur DeLuca, to former colleagues of Rumley's that Rumley is supposed to be investigating.

Muccini-Burke got your tongue, Mark?