Monday, February 25, 2019

E Mail to Breanna, the next Mayor of Medford !!!!

Breanna Lungo-Koehn
City Council Vice President
85 George P. Hassle Drive, Room 207
Medford MA 02155

Dear Council Vice President Lungo-Koehn:

The February 27 8th Annual "Parent Cafe" is in danger of cancellation.
The topic is "being present."  

In what universe does a mayor of 60,000 or so people shirk her duties and fail to generate interest in such an important event?

You have your foot on the throat of "Dragon Stephanie," Breanna, now is the time to strike!

If Stephanie, the face of the school committee, can't draw parents, then Stephanie must be given the boot, shown the door, frog marched out of city hall, given the pink slip, etc.!  the way her alleged husband allegedly drinks she's not a good role model anyway.

They should have me speak!  I'm smart, have spoken to college students re: college radio at conventions
from 1992 to present, as Michael Marks says I'm articulate, and God knows, as well as Harry MacGilvray, that  I'm funny!
I can bring my guitar and play parody songs about the mayor, Kumbaya, baby!

Won't be at the city council tomorrow night (Falco, Rumley and Scarpelli all wipe their bald heads in relief) as I am videotaping a band at a major event, but you knew that.

Now as for the May 1 at that exact moment I'm on a 50,000 watt radio station being interviewed for my concert in June. Yes, the old Boston rock and roll relic, or icon, depending on whom you are speaking with, will be bouncing around the stage at 65 years old...file under: Senior Citizen I won't be able to speak to the Medford Family Network.  Medicare will be good if I fall of the stage, or get assassinated by some handsome, rogue varsity coach...

BUT!!!!, you, Breanna, can expose the mayor as SNRFPT    STILL NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME
by campaigning that Mrs. Burke is fumbling an important parent/teacher event!

How much money does her staff get for bailing her out when Mrs. burke is on her alleged shopping sprees?

Stephanie thinks my blog is "vulgar," or at least she said that to me May 17th 2017.  Of course it's vulgar, I'm writing about her!!!!!   How's the mirror looking these days, Stephanie?  Give me my access TV!

Egg On Mayor Burke's FACE - Low Registration Threatens MFN's 8th An...

1,316,417 @ 8:00 PM 2-25-19 MONDAY MONDAY, MAMAS AND THE PAPAS Election 2015 IF THEY BUILD IT, PARENTS S...

Stephanie's too busy laughing at Paul Donato pulling a stunt in front of students (see photo) to do any heavy lifting

Love and Kisses
The Gay Caballero