Saturday, March 2, 2019

Letter to City Clerk re: Election 2019

Adam Hurtubise
City Clerk
Medford City Hall, Room 103
85 George P. Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155
(781) 393-2425
Hello City Clerk:

I am looking for the date of the November election for Mayor

Could you kindly update this page regarding the 2019 election? 

The 2018 link no longer works

Polls and Voting
    * 2018 State Election Calendar
    * Voter Registration
    * Medford Polling Locations
    * Where Do I Vote
    * Absentee Voting
    * Help America Voter Act (HAVA)
    * Election Legal Summary (PDF)

 I am looking on Vote  and cannot find the date for the November 2019 election
Your Voting Guide
Keep VOTE411 Online!

State Voter Information
Election Dates
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 (Wellesley Town Election) 
Secretary of the Commonwealth
1 Ashburton Place
McCormack Room 1705Boston, MA 2108

Thank You 

Joe Viglione