Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Breaking: Lawsuit against Medford Police, City of Medford, Caraviello, Finn, Mackowski, et. al.

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Burke Administration Hasn't Updated MPD "Internal Affairs" page in YEARS! Nor have Chief Buckley or ex-Chief Sacco.

BREAKING Medford Information Central Gets Results!

Thank you Captain Faller!
Captain Kevin M. Faller is making the change today thanks to our ongoing investigation! https://medfordinformationcentral.blogspot.com/2019/11/burke-administration-hasnt-updated.html

According to an e mail from Detective Captain Faller - and there was no confidentiality attached to the Captain's e mail,
the Medford Police Department's website stating that Captain Faller is internal affairs hasn't been updated in years!
The Captain was kind enough to tell us that Barry Clemente is the new Internal Affairs contact person.

A screenshot of the page taken at 12:49 pm (attached)

Why is this important?

Internal Affairs investigates alleged police misconduct. Officer Faller hasn't been "assigned to Internal Affairs...for a few years" and the website under the Burke administration AND both Chief Sacco and Chief Buckley fails to have the proper information for residents who want to file on the police officers who may be not doing their job.

We've only had about a quarter of the police force or more investigated so ya think - just maybe - an updated page on Internal Affairs might be helpful?

From the police website: "Keep in mind that serious violations of conduct (including criminal conduct) will be investigated to the fullest extent. Professional standards involves the development and review of police policy and practices and the continual evaluation of the department to meet accepted police standards."

Investigated to the fullest extent and swept under the rug when it comes to protecting the safety of Joe Viglione.

"There are paranoids out there, but you have real enemies." Nell Escobar Coakley, my former editor at the Medford
Transcript until they allegedly got to her.
"I've got your back, Joe" Nell said to me, with the authority and integrity of Jack the Ripper in her smile. Play Backstabber by the O'Jays here!

I have a serious allegation and want to file with Barry Clemente - ongoing threats on my telephone and now some hard evidence that make the threats even more chilling.

Will the police help me? Of course not. I believe the police are RETALIATING against this investigative reporter, angry that a Determination in my favor could expose the names of the officers involved in what city hall called "compensation fraud." Angry that the fraudulent court case filed against me went nowhere.

FACT: I was assaulted by City Clerk Edward P. Finn, the police refused to prosecute him, refused to properly investigate and then when I asked about a powerful politician's daughter and a teacher having an alleged liaison (the rumors have it a little more serious than that!) the police filed fraudulent "witness intimidation" charges when I was actually the witness who WAS INTIMIDATED the moment after Clerk Finn's assault.

FACT: Three and Four days Prior to Finn's Assault: A crazed stalker from Malden was at my home repeatedly in Medford, and took a photo of me and put a meat cleaver dripping with blood over the photo. A one year with an additional three years of harassment prevention were placed on the ex-marine.
FACT: A station manager at TV3 was at my home repeatedly blasting his horn and harassing the neighborhood day after day at 2 AM each morning. He signed an order in court to stay away from my home and Tony's Gas station after he defaulted on a court case and lost.
When I asked Ex Chief Sacco on 10/17/17 why he never stopped the Malden stalker Sacco said "You get the police service you deserve. Sue me."

So there you have it, people. As a former politician no longer in Medford told me "You can't trust the Medford police."

There's been so much harassment by the police that a presentment letter will be sent to Chief Buckley and to whomever is in office at
City Hall after today's Nov 5 election.

The presentment letter prior to a lawsuit will effectively state: "that there is a pattern of this behavior; one incident of discriminatory or harassing conduct is not enough." Oh, there are plenty of incidents of discriminatory behavior, plenty.

Hopefully Breanna Lungo-Koehn who will put a stop to the wrongful conduct of Mrs. Stephanie Muccini- Burke and her husband, Brian Burke - clerk of courts. Birds of a feather flock together and Mrs. Burke is every bit as abusive as her malicious husband.

More details soon.

Nov 5 at 10:53 AM
Mr. Viglione,
I am no longer assigned to Internal Affairs and haven't been for a few years. The website unfortunately is not update and I put in a request today to make the change. Cpt. Barry Clemente is now in charge.
Thank You
Captain Kevin M. Faller
Operations Commander
Medford Police Department
100 Main St
Medford, Ma 02155

Internal Affairs

The mission of the Internal Affairs section of the police department is to investigate complaints pertaining to the conduct of any of our sworn officers. These complaints can be initially filed and discussed with the officer’s duty supervisor, the commanding officer and/or the patrol commander. If the matter is not adequately resolved at this level then the case is automatically referred to Internal Affairs.
Keep in mind that serious violations of conduct (including criminal conduct) will be investigated to the fullest extent. Professional standards involves the development and review of police policy and practices and the continual evaluation of the department to meet accepted police standards.
Contact Information
Detective Captain Kevin Faller:  781-393-4768
FAX Number: 781-395-5177 (call above number before faxing)
 For more information on my suit against the police, Medford City Hall, Richard F. Caraviello, Detective Paul Mackowski, Edward P. Finn, et. al

Joe Viglione 

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