Friday, March 26, 2021

It was DELICIOUS! Biden Repeatedly Slammed Loser Trump at Thursday's Press Conference

‘Oh God I miss him’: 

Biden keeps 

returning to Trump 

as a cause of 

nation’s troubles

The Debrief: An occasional series offering a reporter’s insights

 And Biden also criticized Trump when asked about the immigration policies of his predecessor, which he began unwinding almost immediately upon taking office.

“Rolling back the policies of separating children from their mothers, I make no apology for that,” Biden said. “Rolling back the policies of ‘Remain in Mexico,’ sitting on the edge of the Rio Grande in a muddy circumstance with not enough to eat in a — I make no apologies for that. I make no apologies for ending programs that did not exist before Trump became president that have an incredibly negative impact on the law, international law, as well as on human dignity. And so I make no apologies for that.”