Friday, July 7, 2023

DO NOT LET Breanna Lungo Koehn inveigle the citizenry with her false promises of "transparency," "Integrity," and especially "community" that she has failed to deliver.

DO NOT LET Breanna Lungo Koehn inveigle the citizenry with her false promises of "transparency," "Integrity," and especially "community" that she has failed to deliver.

Thu, Jul 6 at 5:30 PM
Breanna Lungo-Koehn for Mayor
When I started my first term as mayor in 2020, one of my first initiatives was to initiate and complete a climate action and adaptation plan and we are now hard at implementing it to create a Greener Medford.
Part of this work has been making key improvements to our infrastructure when it comes to EV Charging by installing EV charging stations throughout our community with the most recent locations at the Missituk School, Carr Park and Hormel Stadium and are working on grants to place two units (4 charging stations) at the police station and additional stations in West Medford, South Medford, and the Brooks School. In our updated capital plan, we have continued to invest in green infrastructure to pave a brighter, more sustainable future for Medford.


It is because of this leadership and shared values that the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund endorsed my reelection campaign today. The ELM Action Fund builds political power that meets the scale and urgency of our environmental challenges by electing climate champions. 

It means so much to have the support of the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund for my reelection. I have been proud to champion climate action and environmental protections in my work as mayor from investing in our green spaces and implementing our climate action plan to expanding green infrastructure in energy, transit, and development. 

I will continue to lead on these issues with urgency to secure a brighter, more sustainable future for Medford.
